In the context of the current Matter, the company YEELIGHT also speaks up and presents the current prospects with the Cube Smart Lamp and the Yeelight Pro series.

Under the YEELIGHT portfolio, the new Cube Smart Lamp will soon be launched. The lamp was certified with Matter among the very first on the market. The lamp is placed by Yeelight as a “Fun” series and can be built and designed like Lego bricks. The new Cube Smart Lamp is to be available in three different variants. A variant with a simple dot matrix to display such as the time or other information. Another variant with a full-color light that can display multiple colors simultaneously, and a third model that has a built-in color spotlight that can be adjusted to the user’s taste.
Also for future development, YEELIGHT plans to introduce more major lighting products with Matter. In addition, all products in the YEELIGHT “Pro” range will be updated with an OTA update for Matter.

YEELIGHT could not give us any concrete information about the availability of firmware updates and new hardware at the moment. We were assured to be kept informed as soon as there are also releases for the German market.
In general, we appreciate the products of YEELIGHT very much and have also informed several times in the past about the HomeKit devices of the manufacturer. So you don’t necessarily have to wait for Matter. We reliably have various YEELIGHT HomeKit devices in our daily use. Please also have a look at our HomeDevices device database for an overview.
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