What an incredible journey we’ve shared over the past eight years! When I launched SmartApfel in October 2015, I never imagined the project would evolve in this way. Yet here I am today, with a proud heart and a beaming smile, ready to share the most exciting news with you.
My goal has always been to create a central hub for Apple Home enthusiasts and users through SmartApfel by providing a wealth of information. Thus, SmartApfel offered not only news, reviews, automations, and tips but also an extensive device overview from the early days.
The Birth of HomeDevices
To make even more information accessible, I eventually developed HomeDevices. Here, anyone can share their devices, providing insight into the functionality without owning the device itself.
Over the past two years, HomeDevices has continuously evolved, becoming more comprehensive. Now, you can find not only devices but also news, videos, courses, deals, and more – fulfilling the vision of what Smartapfel was always meant to be. By joining forces with Controller for HomeKit, I am now ready to take the next step and focus my full attention on the further development of HomeDevices.

The curtain doesn’t fall on SmartApfel; instead, it rises for the exciting chapter of HomeDevices! 🚀 This app is not just an evolution; it catapults the world of information about Apple Home and Matter to an entirely new level – and this is just the beginning.
Heartfelt Thanks for Everything!
A sincere thank you to each of you for your support, dedication, and the many exciting moments we’ve shared. You are the soul of SmartApfel, and we believe you will love HomeDevices as much as we do. As a small thank you, you can save 33% on Controller for HomeKit in the first year via this link.

A very special thanks to Daniel, who has been a significant part of this journey, providing an open ear, fresh ideas, and a keen eye for detail. Daniel, you’ve been an invaluable part of this adventure – thank you for everything!
I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Jan and Markus, the creative minds behind Controller for HomeKit. Through our collaboration, they not only open up great prospects for me but also for HomeDevices. Your support is invaluable, and I look forward to our shared future!
Shape the Future with Us
Of course, all previous content on SmartApfel remains available, and the community persists. However, you’ll find new exciting information in HomeDevices. I want to emphasize that we have reimagined the weekly roundup with the HomeDevices Sunday Newspaper. If you enjoyed the format, I warmly invite you to sign up here for its successor, free of charge. You can easily download HomeDevices from the App Store, and like SmartApfel, this app is entirely free.

Now, let’s embark on a new era together and explore all the exciting possibilities that HomeDevices holds for us. The future is now, and it shines in the brightest colors!
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